Foundation Graphics Final Major Project


Signage to device

At the start of my project I was initally planning to create some sort of way finidng solution for the partially blind and help them navigate them around the University. This could be a section of the corridor leading to the stair case... and was thinking of some sort of bright bold plain colours being used... and possibly lights intsallation. However I feel that this wasn't a suitable solution because pavements with raised bumps are already available on the streets, and with the bold colours and light installations I feel the project could have progressed further. Also the 'signage' solution will be uniquely made for the University only and so I feel it is quite a restricted solution, although I can imagine it being altered for a different environment if needed.

I am starting to think about creating some sort of Podcast that can be available for users to download. This could be a weekly Podcast of what galleries are available and how to get to them and what is in the gallery. Almost a cross between the audio devices available at galleries already and Timeout magazine. After doing some research today it struck me how Braille is used just for literacy and nothing else. What if we can push the boundaries of Braille and make it graphical and enjoyable? Could we slant the braille on the side.... create big braille with small braille on the front cover? Maybe it could collaborate with the Podcast as a back to back weekly magazine/podcast feature.