Foundation Graphics Final Major Project


I have made some goggles so that the wearer would experience being visually impaired and hopefully will make the viewer experience the products fully when wearing them. I hairsprayed on pair with many layers to achieve the blurry vision look and the other I spray everything black except the middle to get the tunnel vision look.


For the Perrier bottle I had thought about putting the device so it wraps around the bottle or integrate it into the label somehow... but this wouldn't had worked because the device was flat and it would look like a tangent coming off the bottle. Then a label hanging off the bottle neck was suggested to me and I began to play with that idea. I had initially made the label into a rectangle shaped label and thought it was quite bulky and had to locate the black circle in the centre... and so I gradually began to tear some of the material away and began to hand sew around the device... this gave an odd Q shape which i was happy with compared to the bulky rectangle. The shape also allowed me to hodl it firmly in myhand and push down the button as I wish.
I didn't know how I would secure the label onto the bottle neck and thought of an adjustable strap? Or glueing it on? I then thought of using an elastic band to tie it on which was simple, cheap and would mean the label could be reusable. I brailled the letter P on the button to represent the work "push". I derived this idea after looking at the stop signs for when you push when on the bus... the letter S was brailled onto the button and so I assumed it represented the word Stop.

I've also decided to use an Ariel tablet box because of the shape and how easily I can hide the device. I remembered from the 3D workshop that Neal had switched over the button which activates the recording option to the switch bit which allows the speaker to speak. This allowed the device to have a button instead of a switch and can neatly sit anywhere.

I tried soldering this at home but it was very unsuccessful... I did get the button to work but only when I held the wires down... I think my soldering was either wrong or very wrong. I could get it working but only when I forcefully had everything in place with my hands at work... so in the end I ended up applying the can lids structure into the Ariel box where a button is pushed down. I need to cover up the inside because I had to tape everything in place so it was secure.