Foundation Graphics Final Major Project


I plan to attempt to create 10 different items as my final products; these 10 could be everyday supermarket items such as breakfast items since I already have baked beans in line. I'm thinking of items such as cornflakes, eggs and maybe toiletries like toothbrush and plasters.

After spray painting the lid yesterday I quite liked the matted even coating the spray paint had given and so I have tested the spray paint on piece of paper. This gave a very smooth finish and the plastic coating that you will find on labels already. I will need to think about whetehr the letterpress ink will absorb into the spray paint and whether it is cost efficient for me as I will need different colours which can become pricey. To save money I could alternate the colours between the cans and lids... but then I would need to think carefully what colours contrast with what and which one becomes suitable.

I did reach to the conclusion that spray painting the labels would be too expensive and that coloured paper would be cheaper. I brought some flourescent colours and ordinary bright colours to see which one would work best. After putting the flourescent pink and green onto the can it did make my eyes strain and could imagine the colours not helping to read the context better, but to damage the eye further. Because of this flourescent colours are a no no and so had run down to Paperchase to buy a pack of coloured paper because the ones I got from the college shop was a bit too thick for my liking. I plan to cut this out in time for letterpress tomorrow to test it out and hopefully my labels will be ready. The last image compares the two labels (orange which was spray painted and the yellow which is yellow paper) and shows which one has the glossy coating. After reading adivce off the RNIB website about how to make clear print they said to avoid glossy paper as this can distract someone's ability to read. So therefore the spray paint is not effective as it is too expensive and creates too much of a gloss.

Also I had brought my 10 items today which were a bottle of lambrusco, bottle of perrier, plasters, toothbrush, 3 tinned cans, cornflakes, fairy liquid bottle and comfort fabric detergent bottle. I had chosen some containers which were similar to each other ins ize and shape because I wanted viewer to realise how one can easily mistaken something because of their sight loss.

I had also thought about how to integrate the sound system into the odd shaped containers like the wine bottle, and a possible solution could be to have an elastic strap connected to the device container and let it wrap round any container where it is flexible and universal. This idea canme across to me after looking over my research where elastic bands are frequently used to distinguish cans between each other and thought it would be nice to try and develop that idea further. However the negavtive sides of the elastic idea is that it might not be stable enoughw hen wrapped round the wine bottle as I can imagine it slipping off and could result to a terrible accident. Might not be safe..


After thinking about how to integrate sound system into the can, I searched everywhere online for any micro recorders/speakers and they were either out of my budget or didn't have the recording option. I even contemplated taking apart a dictaphone but I think that would be too extreme and very expensive to do. After searching online for different parts, I remembered about the cards where you opened it up and it would make a voice activated greeting and recall seeing ones where you can record your own. After searching on ebay I had found a seller who was selling them so I ordered 1... the following night I had popped down to Tesco's to see if they sold any but was unsuccessful in finding one, but I did find a sealable lid that could stuck on thetop of the lid and where the device can be placed in between. When I got home that night I placed the lid onto the tin and realised there was not enough room for the device to fit inside and would have to extend the lid higher in 3D workshop or find a different solution. The next morning I went to Clinton's to see if they had any recordable cards and had fortunately found one, but for double the price of the one on ebay. I had also found a shoe polish container which looked like it would fit nicely on top of the can. When I got home I had spray painted the container orange for obvious visual purposes and then drilled some holes into the container and when placed together it worked fine. I like this container much better as it gives much room to work with but although it is quite large, I fear that it won't be suitable for stacking purposes. This talking lid is to be left sitting on top of the tin and possibly be magnetic, but am not sure whether it will disrupt the circuit or not but will need to ask someone. I think if this was to be a real product the lid can be purchased either by itself or with the can. To activate the device I will need a plastic piece which pushes down to the circuit and needs to be held down for the recording to be finished.